26 July, 2024.
Recentrly, our colleague Oihane Ibarrola, from BIOKERALTY consortium partner, participated in the Spain-Thailand innovation forum, promoted by the Spanish government (Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, CDTI Innovación – Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación and AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO – AECID) and Thailand goverment (Program Management Unit for Competitiveness (PMU-C)) to promote collaboration in innovation between both countries.
The forum is very useful for sharing and spreading the innovative experiences, including the IN-ARMOR PROJECT EU, which Oihane Ibarrola succesfully presented.
This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our collective efforts and advancements on an international stage.
Wishing all participants a successful and enriching experience!
#GlobalExcellence #Innovation #INARMORProject #Biokeralty #InternationalCollaboration
#HealthcareLeadership #SpainThailandinnovationforum hashtag#SpanishGovernment
#Thailandgovement #EUcomission #HorizonEurope