25 May, 2023.
The kick-off meeting of the European project IN-ARMOR was held at the University of Iceland on 23rd-24th May 2023. The project will have a duration of 48 months, ending on 30 April 2027.
IN-ARMOR aims to optimise Therapeutic Epigenetic Enhancement of the Innate Immunity to Effectively Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Building on this approach, the main goal of IN-ARMOR is to optimise the structure and function of a novel family of compounds known as Aroylated Phenylenediamines (APD) using in silico solutions and computer molecular analysis, in conjunction with a nanotech-based drug delivery and validate safety and efficacy in vitro and in vivo to complete Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) requirements. The ultimate long-term vision is to introduce a novel class of immune system inducers to enhance the body’s innate microbial defense mechanisms, combating AMR and reducing the incidence of 13 of the most dangerous infections, including two of the top three priority-1 infections in the WHO list of microbes of concern.
The IN-ARMOR project is 100% funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Program (Project No. 101080889). Scientifically coordinated by the University of Iceland (Iceland), it integrates a consortium of research centers and enterprises from ten different countries. The consortium is completed by Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Servicio Madrileno de Salud (Spain), Akthelia Pharmaceuticals (Iceland), Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion (Spain), University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), VibioSphen (France), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands), Universidade de Vigo (Spain), Obelis s.a. (Belgium), Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia (Spain), Enamine (Ukraine), Biokeralty Research Institute AIE (Spain), Betthera s.r.o. (Czechia), NUVISAN GmbH (Germany), University of Tampere (Finland).
During this meeting researchers from the different organizations discussed activities and tasks as well as the key issues to be addressed during the first year and the administrative procedures to ensure the success of this innovative project.